Sunday, December 29, 2019

How I failed my way to success

How I failed my way to successHow I failed my way to successOne of my favorite verses in a song comes from Exhale by the great Whitney Houston. It says For every win. Someone must fail.I love those words because they remain true in anything that we do in ur daily lives, especially when it comes to things like work, orsmall business.Today, I will take you through my journey to success and show you that being the Someone that fails isnt a bad thing.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraDoor to door life insurance Lesson 1Getting my life and health insurance license welches a great accomplishment for me it took two weeks of self-study and 30 minutes for me to complete the state-mandated test.Once I became licensed my first act welches to establish myself with a few insurance companies and to go work with a larger insurance agency such as an Independent Marketing Organization (IMO).These are sizeable independent insurance agencies that would train and assist you in the field of insurance sales if you signed up under them as an independent agent.These companies wanted good agents because they get a piece of what you produce.It looks like thisHow The Insurance Pie WorksHierarchyCommission %Override on My Sale%IMO (Independent Marketing Organization)115%5%MGA (Managing General Agent)110%10%GA (General Agent)100%20%Agent80%N/ABased on the above layout, when I sold a $100.00 insurance policy, I received $80.00 of it, and the remaining $20.00 flowed upstream, which was totenstill a great deal.And dont let the 5% override of the IMO fool you, fruchtwein of them can have upwards of 30+ Thousand agents.The only issue for me is that I was doing this process door to door. When I started 11 years ago, insurance companies were sending out Mailers to ask customers if they wanted to purchase life insurance.If they sent the mailer back, it would come to myself or other agents as l eads we would then take those mailers to the customers home and try to make the sale.The amount of time away from home was insane, and you never knew who or what was going to be on the other side of the door you are knocking on.It also didnt matter if it was cold, hot, or raining, you had to make the sale, and after only about two months of this, I decided there had to be a better way.I failed as a Door to Door life insurance salesman. However, I decided I wanted to offer life insurance over the phone.Lessons I learned from door to door salesAlways be preparedPersistency pays offWork harder to get better resultsHave a positive attitude maintain a positive attitudeThe senior health market Lesson 2At the time, there was only one life insurance company that I can remember by the name of Baltimore Life that offered life insurance over the phone.It was a one of a kind product some people didnt trust it, I knew surviving with just one insurance product probably would be hard, so I decid ed to go into the Medicare Advantage space.Medicare Advantage is the Senior Health Space, and if you thought health insurance was complicated, then you probably would lose your mind with the Senior Products.Medicare Advantage was still a product where you needed to meet with people in person, so while I was onto something with selling over the phone, I still had to get into the field and work.I found out very fast that when it comes to the Senior Market, beingvery youngdoesnt work for you it just hurts because the Seniors didnt trust that I knew what I was talking about when it came to their health plan.I found myself doing more assuring and follow-ups than I did making the Sale, and some of behauptung products had $0.00 premium.Can you imagine being so bad at selling something that you cant even give it away?At this point, I concluded, what if I sold Health Insurance, to people my age, over the phone?I failed in the Senior Health Market, but I figured the Regular Health Market woul d be greatLessons I learned from the senior health marketTiming is everything, what doesnt work now, can work laterJust because something is affordable doesnt mean you can sell itBuild trust and rapport fast and earlyExcellent product knowledge can make up for being a poor salesmanThe Affordable Care Act Lesson 3I had a complete and total setup. I had two monitors, fast internet, and four phone lines for making and receiving phone calls.I knew how health insurance worked, and It was easy for me to build rapport with people my age or younger.Unlike the life insurance space, the health insurance space had already gone through the phase of selling over the phone, so several companies offered the product.I even had customers doing a screen share with me to complete the application process. This was right up my alley, the life insurance space was still trying to figure out over the phone, but the health insurance market was booming.Then comes theAffordable Care Act,most often known as O bama Care.As an Individual, I was excited about the idea of No Lifetime Maximums and No Declining People due to health issues.As an Agent, I was mortified because the structure on how health insurance companies could payout commissions would change.Around that time, I had enough life insurance companies offering products over the phone that I was able to start transitioning to life insurance.Once the law was enacted, I started to get the letters from health insurance companies about the changes in my commission structure and some companies even closed down.Since I expected this to happen, I had gotten the health insurance side of my business down to about 40% of my total book of business and immediately switched 100% to life insurance.Lessons I learned from the Affordable Care ActDont limit yourself to one stream of incomeGood times also come to an endYou should physically smile when you talk to people on the phone.Trusting my instincts was ok.I have a telesales career Lesson 4I ma de it Or did I?Here I was, selling life insurance over the phone Like I had always dreamt, and I was selling multiple products.I had Fully underwritten term life for the young and super healthy, no-exam life insurance for people who didnt want to take exams, and final expense life insurance for people over the age of 50.If you needed life insurance, I could sell it to you over the phone, no matter your age orhealth conditions.The process had even caught up to the point where I could do an e-application through email with life insurance.I remember it clear as day the words of a general agent You will never be able to sell life insurance over the phone.But here I was, deep in my career, making anywhere between $60,000 to $100,000 per year, I had no boss (except for my husband), and no one could stop me.It didnt matter that I had to work 14 hours a day to meet my personal sales goals, nor did it matter that I couldnt spend as much time with my family, Right?While I was very grateful fo r the income that being a Life Insurance agent gave me, I didnt like the lifestyle one bit.I lived for the weekend like everyone else the only difference is that I couldnt separate my work life from my personal life.I found myself answering emails when I should be relaxing, or trying to send in an underwriting requirement so that I can get a policy out of underwriting faster.I realized I was in a relationship with my husband and with my business and my husband wasnt having any of it.I finally started to normalize my work schedule and take responsibility for not working outside of work hours.Then, out of nowhere, my gut starts feeling something, some sort of shift.More and more customers are asking if I can email the quote, they are asking if there is anywhere online, they can learn about life insurance.Customers no longer want to talk to me much, and most of them felt like they knew more about life insurance than I did.It was great that customers were becoming more educated about th e insurance they were buying, and in my mind, it felt like everyone wanted to do this process without an agent.There was a company that I always wanted to be like by the name of EHealth Insurance they did everything in the Health Space, that I wanted to do for the Life Insurance Industry.Everything was online customers could learn about a product and purchase it from their site without any hassle from an agent.However, if they needed an agent, they were still there to assist.After doing some research, I found out that websites can actually make money and my companySimply Insurancewas born.I failed at having a career as a life insurance agent, but I saw the future of insurance The Online Market.Lessons I learned from my telesales careerHow to manage a home based businessHow to love my spouse and my business equallySelling a product to someone educated about it is much harderTo enjoy the nos, each one brought me closer to a yes.Each of these failures could have made me want to stop an d get a 9 to 5 job and say to hell with trying to be a success.But, I had a voice in me that always said, dont stop, keep going, follow your gut.Just take a look at all the things the four failures taught me from aboveAlways be preparedPersistency pays offWork harder to get better resultsHave a positive attitude maintain a positive attitudeTiming is everything, what doesnt work now, can work laterJust because something is affordable doesnt mean you can sell itBuild trust and rapport fast and earlyExcellent product knowledge can make up for being a poor salesmanDont limit yourself to one stream of incomeGood times also come to an endYou should physically smile when you talk to people on the phone.It was ok to trust my instinctsHow to manage a home based businessHow to love my spouse and my business equallySelling a product to someone educated about it is much harderTo enjoy the nos, each one brought me closer to a yes.Success wont always look how you want itIn 2017 I created Simply Insurance, the goal was to be an online market place where customers could purchase life insurance online, all without an agent.I had no clue how to make money online, but there was a ton of education on it. I invested in education to become great at SEO and Content marketing. I had to know how everything worked.I decided I didnt want to share in the commission of an insurance sale, so I went the affiliate route with my website.This assured that I would get paid per lead or application submission once a customer decided to get covered.I took all of the lessons I had learned from my failures and put them into my online business.My family acknowledged that I would need to spend more time, in the beginning, to get things running.And guess whatAfter just two years, Simply Insurance is a six-figure online business.We went from selling only life insurance to offering Pet Insurance, Homeowners, Renters, Concealed Carry, Accidental Death, Disability Insurance.Simply Insurance was founded i n 2017, but it was started in 2008, so while I did build a successful blog in under two years, it took me nine years to get there.I also just co-founded a business by the name ofCredit Knocks, with a few good friends and our goal is to educate the average person on how to grow and rebuild their credit.So remember, it isnt about the failure its about the lessons learned.This article originally appeared on Your Money Geek.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

take that objective off your resume

take that objective off your resume take that objective off your resume Last week, when writing about things to leave off of your resume, I mentioned objective statements, which I believe dont belong on a resume. Some commenters wanted to know why.Ive never seen an objective that made me more interested in hiring a candidate, and Ive seen plenty that actually hurt a candidates chances. At best theyre neutral, so why risk it?Objectives usually fall in one of three categories1. Objectives that are all about what you want. For example A position that allows me to develop my interest in international relations. At some point Im going to care about what the candidate wants, but at this initial begehung stage, the process is about what the company wants.2. Objectives that arent sufficiently tailored to the position, or even have nothing to do with it. For example Writing a job in finance, when youre applying for a job in health care. This objective makes it look like youre simply blasting your resume around without enough focusand that you have no attention to detail.3. Objectives that just dont add anything compelling (and therefore just waste space). For example A job where I can apply my skill set, at a company with potential for growth. Its pretty much assumed that youre looking for that.Heres what most hiring managers want from a resume A concise, easily scanned list of what youve accomplished, organized chronologically by position, plus any particularly notable skills. Thats it. Dont use the resume to talk about what youre looking for, or for your own assessment of your strengths. Present factual information about what youve done.There will be time to talk about what youre looking for, eventuallybut first the hiring manager needs to figure out if shes interested or not.I believe objectives at best add nothing and take up space, and at worst harm your chances. But I know some people are firmly convinced they should use themso if you think youve got an objective worth including, tell us why in the comments.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How to retain more of every book you read and a solution for loneliness [best reads]

How to retain more of every book you read and a solution for loneliness best readsHow to retain more of every book you read and a solution for loneliness best readsEvery week, I come across insightful posts about behavior change that affect health, wealth, and productivity.At the end of the week (on Fridays), I share ten of the best posts at the intersection of personal development, psychology, technology, and productivity with my Postanly Weekly subscribers.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreI handpicked some of the best long reads across the web that are almost as good as reading a book. Shorter than a book but equally valuable.Its a healthy mix of ideas on how to work better, make smarter decisions, and everything you need to build a better life and career.Sign up zu siche to get future issues. Join over 38,000 people on a mission to build a better life.Issue 230How to Use Space d Repetition to Retain More of Every Book You Read MediumReading offers the freedom to roam the expanse of space, time, history, and offer a deeper view of ideas, concepts, emotions, and a whole body of knowledge. Except we dont remember a lot of what we read after a few months or years.A Solution for Loneliness Scientific AmericanLoneliness is rampant, and its killing us?- ?literally. Anywhere from one quarter to one half of Americans feel lonely a lot of the time, which puts them at risk for developing a range of physical and mental illnesses, including heart diseaseCan We Live Longer But Stay Younger? NewYorkerAging, like bankruptcy in Hemingways description, happens two ways, slowly and then all at once. The slow way is the familiar one decades pass with little sense of internal change, middle age arrives with only a slight slowing down4 Ways to Quiet Imposter Syndrome And Start Believing in Yourself TEDIdeasMany of us have an inner voice telling us we lucked into what we hav e or were a fraud. Thats normal the problem is when we believe it. Heres how to start recognizing your own worth, from coach and consultant Tania Katan.How Progress Compounds And Why It Matters FSMost people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years. Its unclear exactly who first made that statement, when they said it, or how it was phrased.Reward Yourself with Negative Reinforcement ZapierBlogRecently, many of us at Zapier were talking about motivating yourself through reinforcements and how finding the right reinforcements is really hard. It reminded me of a concept from operant conditioning.Can Decluttering Really Make You Happier? BBCFutureTidying can transform your life. This is the beguiling promise from Japanese decluttering evangelist Marie Kondo. Around 11 million people have bought her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying UpYou Procrastinate Because Of Emotions, Not Laziness. Regulate Them To Stop Procrastinatin g Cognitive TodayThere are two trains of thought?- ?One leads to procrastination and one leads to motivation. And somewhere in between, there is a junction called anxiety. Lets first look at the procrastination train of thought (at least thats going somewhereFeeling Stuck at Work? Heres How to Keep Moving Forward ScottYoungIn the last lesson, I showed why a lot of plans people make to avoid their work are misguided. Either the schemes dont work at all (because they defy basic economic logic) or they result in escaping work only to leave a vacuum with nothingThe Dangers of Treating Ideas From Finance as Generalised Self Help CommonPlaceI thought it would be a little prudent?- ?given that Ive been writing about time allocation as capital allocation recently?- ?to recap the dangers of reading too much into ideas drawn from the field of finance. What do I mean by this?Until Next Week,Thomas, Curator at Postaly WeeklyThis article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuros cience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Glassdoor Wants You to Find The Job That Fits Your Life

Glassdoor Wants You to Find The Job That Fits Your LifeGlassdoor Wants You to Find The Job That Fits Your Life 11 Universities With Great Work-Life Balance Hiring Now People come to Glassdoor to prepare for the big interview, to get paid fairly, to discover amazing companies, to apply with the touch of a button to their next big opportunity. While there are hundreds of job sites out there, Glassdoor is all about empowering you with the information, insights, and jobs so you can make the decision thats best for you.Whether you want to work with people that inspire you or you want to have more time for family or you simply want to get paid what you deserve, Glassdoor has everything you need to find a job that fits your life.Thats right its not just a job, its your life.With you in mind, Glassdoor is unveiling television and radio advertising on a national scale for the first time to augment our oth er marketing and word of mouth initiatives. Our in-house design team partnered with Deutsch to produce creative that encompasses what we believe in as a company and the unique promise that only Glassdoor can deliver on. You may see the ad on television, hear it on the radio or even catch it online. Wherever you spot us, tell us what you think on Facebook , Twitter or LinkedIn Glassdoor.Meanwhile, the job that fits your life is out there. Use Glassdoor to find it.To search open jobs on Glassdoor, visit Glassdoor jobs . To learn more about posting employer jobs on Glassdoor, visit Glassdoor for Employers .

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Good, the Bad and Waitress Resume

The Good, the Bad and Waitress Resume The wine steward has to have a superior understanding of wines and wine culture. Some could insist on a specific meal without a specific ingredient. In order to supply the very best patron experience, waiters must verstndigung im strafverfahren with a request for food to return to the kitchen with a beneficial and apologetic attitude. A waiter will likewise be required to try to remember a variety of details about the food and beverage lists. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Waitress Resume The size and the kind of the font needs to be appropriate. Resume schablones are ideal for folks who dont possess the art of producing impressive resumes. Make an all-inclusive group of the info that you will want to include, and put it to use as a way to compile your CV. Theres no need to compose your resume in two or more pages. If your resume is only one page its still very much appreciated. Using VisualCVas CV editor its ve ry simple to change from 1 template to another, so you may easily use the best template for the job every time you apply. Resumes are like the very first field of defense of job seekers. Job descriptions are very vital for all organizations especially with the intention of advertising to acquire suitable candidates for certain job positions. Job descriptions for the identical position will read differently depending on the type of job that youre searching for now. For you to do so, youve got to be familiar with qualifications of the job which youre applying for. Always carry a pad and pen on you, even in case you memorize the orders rather than writing them down. If youre writing a resume for a particular job, attempt to highlight any responsibilities or skills that are related to the position that youre seeking. Ensure you mention skills which may be beneficial in the job for which youre presently applying. Regardless, the position is extremely stressful, perhaps among the most stressful in the area of hospitality. The very first important section of your resume is known as the Career Objective. If youve got extensive computer skills, dont forget to create a distinct category named Technical Expertise. You may wish to lead with a succinct summary of the job. New Questions About Waitress Resume The problem of waitress tips may be touchy though and a subject that lots of individuals are bemused by. Utilize your waitress resume to highlight your strong suits, whatever you can do in order to demonstrate your strengths is likely to help you land work. You will need to deal with rude clients, screaming kids and individuals who dont tip. Everyone is able to write resumes, but not everybody can write superior ones. Things You Wont Like About Waitress Resume and Things You Will As a result, if youre a bartender browsing to have a better job, a Bartender Blank Resume Template can help you a nice thing. If youre looking to employ waiters for your h otel, the below templates can supply you with an exhaustive guideline about what to anticipate from the work role you offer. The templates attached here are so simple to work on and youll never again will need to employ a specialist or an expert to list the waiter job roles for you. The job of a waiter or waitress contains a wide array of tasks and duties that vary based on the sort of employer. Being he means so much more than serving food. Being he is not an easy job. Then youve got what it requires to be a wonderful waiter or waitress. Ok, I Think I Understand Waitress Resume, Now Tell Me About Waitress Resume Waitress works isnt only associated right to the public but also with different staffs in the restaurant. Waiters play one of the most critical roles in running a thriving restaurant. To be a prosperous Waiter or Waitress, you ought to be polite with our clients and make certain they enjoy their meals. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Waitress Resume Then yo uve got to earn a thorough description of every part of your work. Writing a resume can be a really trying experience. Possessing a superb nanny job description may be a good way to entice excellent candidates, so go at your own pace in writing one. After working there for a couple decades, you might transition into a managerial function. While the pay is really low, way beneath the minimum wage, tips and bonuses can cause a pretty good pay. Its also ideal for a candidate trying to find a management status in the restaurant market. Certain jobs have the requirement to find the help of candidates with a specific educational qualification. The consistent element for good restaurant employees is their capacity to supply friendly, courteous and effective service to customers.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Benefits of Writing a First Resume High School

The Benefits of Writing a First Resume High School Writing a First Resume High School - Overview While you might be trying hard to think of pertinent work experience, Ryan states that you have mora than you understand. For instance, if youre asking for a job as an administrative assistant, you dont will need to discuss the way your position for a babysitter helped improve your childcare skills, but you might share the way the experience helped you cultivate time management abilities and the capacity to juggle a number of tasks simultaneously. Make a list of all of the situations youve done that demonstrate your abilities and your passions. Use the following suggestions to make your resume really stick out. Keep reading to learn our top 3 strategies for writing a winning high school resume. Continue reading to learn more, and dont neglect to look at our sample high school resume for inspiration Writing a First Resume High School Explained Especially for a first resume, emplo ying a template is an excellent idea. If you are able to convey the skills youve got and how they are going to apply to the job youre applying for, employers will be more inclined to realize your value. Creating your first resume doesnt have to be a struggle. Utilizing a student resume template can help you save you time and effort and offer you ideas on which sections to include and the way to complete them so as to pull in the perfect employers. The Debate Over Writing a First Resume High School When searching for employment as a high school student, it might help let employers know you will be a dependable, positive accession to their company. There are various kinds of resumes with corresponding purposes. Similar to any other aspiring applicants, a thorough and well-done resumes are able to help you land work, especially whenever youre a high school student with zero work experience. Although you might have minimal work experience for a high-school student, you may use your resume to highlight activities and unique skills that show your value to a prospective employer or college interviewer. In its core, a resume is quite easy, it is a one-page document showcasing you. If you wish to turn into a high school principal, you can begin acquiring the qualification and skills you need now to create the leap when youre ready. Conveying your distinctive teaching qualities and accomplishments to a possible high school is indispensable to landing a work interview. Its possible for you to set your education section before or following your experience section. If youre a seasoned professional, place your professional work history section prior to your education. As youre writing a resume summary statement, dont use wording that mirrors the direction you have presented experiences in different regions of your resume. Writing a resume summary statement could be the most significant facet of getting your resume prepared to submit to possible employers.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Choosing Professional Skills for Resume

Choosing Professional Skills for Resume The Professional Skills for Resume Cover Up To help you figure out if you should pursue career coaching, weve developed a list of the numerous advantages of a career coach. Its ideal to be ready Your resume must immediately tell the employer which you are somebody who will choose the work seriously. Finally, the main goal of your resume is to convince the employer to provide you an interview at which you can then close the offer. Wherever you choose to place your skills on your resume, be certain to tailor your list of skills to the specific job. If youre not certain which skills you would like to share, consider your prior experiences. Listing your skills provides a chance to showcase your abilities and experiences to prime employers for the remainder of your resume. Bear in mind, the majority of the exceptional skills that you place on your resume ought to be job-related skills taken from the work description and your best transfera ble skills. Details of Professional Skills for Resume Let your finest skills drive your work application. For instance, if the position youre applying for is for content marketing, but youve never written online content, maybe you must find different jobs that fit your abilities. Hard skills are quantifiable and frequently learned from school or at work. They can be categorized in different ways, depending on your job title. Job seekers deserve to discover decent content quickly. Since many job seekers may list skills in a different section of their resume, additionally, it is important to weave them into descriptions under every one of your prior positions. Transportation jobs involve a lot of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can take care of that. For example, if you try to apply for a Chinese-English interpreting job, you need to be fluent in both languages otherwise you would just not qualify for the position. Get the Scoop on Professional Skills for Resume Before Youre Too Late Have a look at our list if you require inspiration. Which format you select will depend, in part, on the sort of work youve performed and whether you are likely to continue in the exact same field. According to her, its also the reason putting your information just in the header or footer isnt a good idea. Keep in mind that your resume isnt intended to be a catch-all for each and every detail of each thing youve ever done in your career. Each word on your resume can be a trigger for a question via an interviewer, and youll often be requested to provide examples of the skills which you have referenced. Now that you know a number of the skilled abilities and traits you should be prosperous in the new decade, its time to get to do the job. Thus, the very first skill she lists is rallying team how check to boost sales check-plus inside her experience. To increase your odds of being approved, your relevant abilities and keywords ought to be highlig hted on your CV. Ok, I Think I Understand Professional Skills for Resume, Now Tell Me About Professional Skills for Resume A stellar application is going to be better than a not-quite-there-but-prompt one, every moment. Test planning is really important, essential, and crucial subject of the test life cycle. A Key Skills section, on the flip side, is listed on top of a resume. Your skills section stipulates a window into how much capability youll be able to bring to the provider. Possessing a crystal clear and professional resume is essential in the health care field. Hard skills have a tendency to be more technical, and each business or sort of job will often have its personal essential set. If youre attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. If you are in possession of a long and appropriate work history, attempt to lower each 1 retail the main bullet points that offer create information than you listed for different jobs. HR prof essionals spend plenty of time in conflict circumstances. sale is much like customer service as salespeople can be effective in an assortment of industries. If HR cannot align managers to goals and ask the challenging questions, then its not worth having in a business. Accounting and finance managers may wish to see your technical understanding. The War Against Professional Skills for Resume There are a couple distinct forms of skill sections and formatting alternatives that you need to consider when crafting your resume. Check to make certain youre providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill sets regarding application requirements. Together with a strong educational foundation, an immediate support professional resume should also incorporate a list of training sessions for the newest techniques and methods. Naturally, whilst visualization can certainly help you improve performance, for the optimum results, you want to pair it with action.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Master an Online Job Search in Accounting

Master an Online Job Search in AccountingMaster an Online Job Search in AccountingPractically speaking, no one looks for a new accounting position anymore by pounding the pavement or circling ads in the local nachrichtensendungpapers classified section. The key to finding your next employer is conducting an verbunden job search - as well as preparing for other digital aspects of todays career mobility.Here are nine tips for being a savvy and well-connected job seeker in 20171. Optimize your LinkedIn profileThe first step in an effective online job search is to make certain your social media profile is complete and compelling. While selfies are fine for Instagram and Snapchat, your LinkedIn picture should be a professional headshot.Make sure the Summary is strong, as this is the second section employers see. For Experience, you can copy and paste your resume. One terrific option of this resource and section is the ability to upload presentations and other documents. As employers toda y search for candidates with excellent career skills such as written communication skills, its worth your while to take this extra step.Whats more, accounting recruiters search LinkedIn for candidates to present to their clients, so it pays off to polish your profile whether youre an active or passive job seeker.2. Evaluate your digital presenceJust as you research a potential employer, hiring managers look at top applicants online presence. So take a minute and Google yourself. What search results pop up? Chances are youll see your social media presence, but perhaps also news articles youre in or a long-forgotten blog. Consider the importance of branding yourself, and rid your online presence of any embarrassing information in cases where its possible.3. Follow companies social mediaMany large employers, including public accounting firms, post job openings on their Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. You can be among the first to hear of such employment opportunities in your news feed by liking and following the companies you find interesting.4. Store your resume in the cloudOne of the conveniences of an online job search is you can apply for a position immediately from your mobile device. To do that, you need to upload your resume to a cloud host like Dropbox or Google Drive. Choose a tafelgeschirr that also has a mobile app so you can apply for a job directly from your phone.Another resource to consider is to store your resume on a job boards. This way you can simply click apply, and your resume will be sent on to the employer.Make sure you know What Your Accounting Resume Should Look Like This Year.5. Sign up for email updatesSpeed up your search with alerts sent directly to your inbox. Job sites like Indeed and Monster can send daily emails with employment opportunities that match the criteria you set up, such as keyword, job title, company name and location. Many larger employers also offer this option under their Career page, so dont overlook this key resource.6. Get savvy about applicant tracking systemsThe online job search makes it easy to search and apply for a job, but that also means employers are often flooded with applications. To help them separate strong applicants from the weak, many human resources departments use an applicant tracking system. An ATS works by analyzing your resume and cover letter for keywords that the employer predetermines. For example, a staff accountant application may be digitally reviewed for terms like CPA, GAAP, compliance and tax filings.To increase your chances of landing on the short list, study each job posting and come up with possible keywords. As you customize each resume and cover letter, incorporate these search terms organically, but dont overdo it Avoid keyword stuffing - the practice of saturating your application with certain words and phrases. Todays sophisticated systems recognize this trick and may even reject your application if they spot it.7. Do some detective workYou can g ive your application that additional wow factor by showing an employer your willingness to go the extra mile. Say youre applying for a job as an accounts payable or accounts receivable clerk. Do some company research, and search the employers website to see whether you can find the name of the AP/AR manager, and then address the cover letter to this person. If youre really interested in the job and want to follow up on your application, you can email or phone the manager directly.8. Get ready for video interviewsTo accelerate the hiring process and avoid letting geography limit their candidate reach, employers are taking advantage of video interviews. This format is convenient and efficient, but its not without potential pitfalls for candidates. To ace a video interview, you need to prepare. Have a camera-friendly location all ready, and then test your equipment and set-up with a friend in advance.9. Show off your post-interview professionalismEven though much of your job search is conducted online, you may want to go old school after the interview. Chances are youll pleasantly surprise hiring managers when you write a notenzeichen of appreciation on actual paper and mail it to their office. Search the companys website for the address. Writing thank-you notes is one career move that never goes out of style.The online job search is todays employment reality. To make the most of your career in accounting and finance, master the digital aspect of the recruiting and hiring process.Keep looking online for that perfect job in accounting and finance. Here are some temporary job openings in your area and accounting jobs in a few hot citiesAccounting jobs in Fayetteville, Ark.Accounting jobs in Washington, D.C.Accounting jobs in Reno, Nev.Accounting jobs in Manchester, N.H.Accounting jobs in Columbia, S.C.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Top 20 Warning Signs Youre About to Be Fired (Sorry.)

Top 20 Warning Signs Youre About to Be Fired (Sorry.)Top 20 Warning Signs Youre About to Be Fired (Sorry.)Its funny how the words youre fired always come as a bit of a surprise. Most people tend to be shocked, like they werent expecting it at all. Which is quite strange, seeing how many red flags preceded the actual moment. But as with many other things in life, sometimes you can only see clearly when looking back.It doesnt have to be like that. Once you know the signs you should be looking for, at least you have a chance to turn things around.These are top 20 warning signs youre about to be fired. Good luck1. Work just got a lot easier.In a functioning company, new tasks hardly ever stop coming. Ever. So if you feel like you have little to do, your babo probablyhands your work over to someone who can do it better than you.2. Or perhaps you feel in over your head.Other tactic employers use to fire people is to swamp them with impossible tasks. Sometimes managers do it as if to give y ou a chance to redeem yourself. Other times, they want to set you up to fail.3. Did you screw up big-time recently?Depending on the size of the incident, you can get fired for this alone. Mind you, were notlage talking about minor faux pas here. If you spilled coffee on your bosss new tie, thats fine (just dont do it too often). But perhaps youve made a major mistake that cost your company a lot of money. Or worse- caused an external embarrassment.4. Your boss wants to meet you one-on-one suspiciously often.If you think thats a good thing, think again. The they want to check on you this often because theyve already lost all confidence in you. For what other reason would they feel the need to micromanage everything you do?5. Yet, you feel your boss has become strangely distantWhether your boss decides to watch your every step or ignore you entirely, sudden changes in behavior rarely mean anything good. So if you feel that your superiors get tense whenever they see you, take it as one of the signs youre about to be fired.6. and you coworkers seem to avoid you.The same goes for your coworkers. A bit like children avoiding outcasts on the playground, co-workers tend to steer clear of sinking colleagues. After all, theyve probably found out about your dismissal already.7. They even stopped inviting you to important meetings.When youre about to get fired, managers no longer see any advantage in having you present. After all, if they still valued what you have to say, they wouldnt want to fire you. Moreover, at this point they probably prefer to keep all sensitive information proprietary.8. Your performance reviews are at best mediocre.Mediocre performance reviews are a lot like being told youre nice. Although its not a terrible thing to hear, it basically means youre disposable. Bosses often give mediocre reviews to people they dont plan on keeping around.9. They encourage you to go on vacation.If youre looking for signs youre about to be fired, it doesnt get any cl earer than this. Provided its not a a reward for a huge project youve just finished, your boss is probably telling you theyd rather not have you in the office. (Btw, ignore this point if you have a financially critical job. There might be other reasons for this if you do.)10. Sadly, someone with the same skillset has just been hired.Unsurprisingly, your company doesnt want to fire you without having someone to fill your shoes. Its quite common to have your job listed on the Internet months before you get fired. They might even ask you to train the replacement yourself.11. Your boss goes directly to your underlings.At some point, your boss begins to go directly to your subordinates. Sometimes it can be the same person theyve asked you to train. If thats the case, it means theyre going to replace you very soon.12. Your deadlines just moved up and theyre all around the same date.If having all your deadlines stacked together sounds stressful, dont worry, its about to end. At least now y ou know the exact date of your dismissal. Its a common practice to make people clear their to-do list before letting them know their services are no loner required.13. Your mistakes or slacking off no longer matter.Why? Because its your actual mistakes and slacking off that made your boss want to fire you in the first place. They already know about it. On the other hand, suddenly they look at your minor poor behavior under a microscope. After all, the longer the list of transgressions, the easier itll be to justify your dismissal.14. You hear about the company having financial troubles.When a company suffers from financial troubles, anyones job can be on the line. During hard times, both individual jobs and entire departments that fail to generate profit are the first ones to receive cuts.15. A new boss is brought in.Since your previous boss was probably let go for not performing well enough, arrival of new leadership is often accompanied by massive restructuring. Unfortunately, eve n if youre perfectly willing to play along with the new guy, he might still perceive you as loyal to the old regime. And hand you a pink slip.16. Youre denied a transfer, raise or promotion- with no explanation.If youre a solid performer and your track record is good, you should be rewarded. If you ask for a raise or promotion, at the very least your employer owes you an explanation. When they dont give you an explanation, you can expect the worst.17. Your perks begin to evaporate.Remember that corner office you used to have? Or perhaps you were the only one not invited to that conference in Barcelona brde month. Perks are the way your company says youre a valued employee. If they begin to disappear, you have every right to worry.18. They never praise you for your accomplishments.This ones a bit tricky since most bosses will happily play down your role in order to make themselves look good. But what if you used to be the golden boy or girl?If they ignore even major accomplishments t hat benefit the whole company, its time to start panicking.19. You feel burnt out and you hate your job anyway.In todays economy, people usually get fired only after theyve already resigned on their job anyway. If you already know, deep down, that you hate your job, try to be honest about it. Its only natural that youd underperform in a job you dont enjoy. And thats unfair to your employer as well as yourself. Check out the top 5 signs you should quit your job right now.20. Youre looking for signs youre about to be fired.Not only have you clicked on this article, youve almost finished it too. The chances are you already begin to suspect the end is near. Dont ignore your wohl feeling, its probably telling you something important.The best thing you can do right now is to start looking for a new job while you still have the current one. With a bit of effort, you can easily make the between-jobs period relatively painless. And if you dont know where to start, check out The Jobseekers Gu ide To the Galaxy- our ultimate guide to job hunting. Good luckShare Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

4 steps to crafting the perfect job description for your resume

4 steps to crafting the perfect job description for your resume 4 steps to crafting the perfect job description for your resume As the number of applicants per corporate job opening rises, it’s important that your resume is effective at articulating your accomplishments and what you can bring to the table. This means creating an accomplishment-based resume instead of a responsibility-based resume and creating a document that is completely unique to you. When you’re trying to craft the perfect job description on your resume, it’s essential that you highlight what you’ve achieved instead of simply stating that you hold a certain skill.Your resume is your chance to highlight what you bring to the table and why a potential employer should hire you, but if the job descriptions you include don’t do you justice, your resume simply won’t be effective at meeting your needs. This makes writing a resume sound intimidating; however, I’m showing you exactly how to craft the perfect job description on your resume!Gather the BasicsWhen you’re going to craft the perfect job description on your resume, you hav e to start with the basics. The easiest way to do this is to start with the job description that you were given at work. Ideally, you’ll have the job description you were given by HR, (you should always keep this kind of information for future use) but if not, find a similar job description online that closely resembles your own.Build Upon What You HaveTake the basic job description and add in other duties that you’ve taken on that go above and beyond what you’re required to do, or if your role has just evolved over time.If you are technically ad administrative assistant, but you handle company social media accounts and oversee client engagement, that is something you’ll absolutely want to note in your job description. Any time you’re taking on responsibilities above and beyond what you were hired to do, it’s important to articulate them. Show that you’re not just resting on your laurels and that you’re willing to take the initiative to get things done.Make a List of Your AccomplishmentsAnyone can claim that they are a great employee, but very few people can actually show it. Don’t sell yourself short on your resume, and show potential employers all of your accomplishments and achievements. Provide evidence to your claims so that they can see exactly what you can bring to the table and how you will be beneficial if hired.Ask yourself the following questions:   Have you increased sales? Have you been recognized for your success? Have you implemented process improvements or cost-cutting techniques? Whatever you have done to improve your company and/or department, you want to show it on your resume.The more numbers and specific metrics you can include, the better! Don’t be afraid to calculate numbers from your own data. As long as you can prove your calculations, you can use them on your resume.Use the Job Description that You’re Applying forWhen you’re trying to craft the perfect job description on your resume, use the job you’re applying to so you can integrate keywords and phrases to customize your resume to meet the exact position you’re interested in. When you’re trying to customize your resume to meet a job you’re applying to, the key is to highlight all of the skills and qualifications that the desired job description holds, and downplay unnecessary information.For example, if you held the title of client relationship manager and did everything from sales to client onboarding, to office management and administrative tasks, but you’re applying for an admini strative assistant, you’ll want to highlight the office management and client facing communication, and you’ll most likely want to downplay the sales aspects of your previous role.This does not mean that you should ever “dumb down” your resume. It’s always great to highlight that you’re smart, strong, and capable, however, when you’re trying to customize your resume to apply for a specific job, you need to highlight the requirements of the given job description and show your potential employer why you will be a great fit.Writing a great resume isn’t just about how aesthetically pleasing it is. If you have a beautiful resume that doesn’t articulate your strengths, you won’t get the traction that you’re looking for. Craft the perfect job description on your resume that highlights what you’ve accomplished and why you’re a valuable asset.This article originally appeared on Create and Cultivate.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Retention Programs Improve Graduation Rates

Retention Programs Improve Graduation Rates Retention Programs Improve Graduation Rates Engineering colleges at the University of Houston and Michigan State University are two schools that have recently been recognized for success in retaining underrepresented minority students in engineering programs. They are among a number of colleges aiming to improve graduation rates, which in turn will help achieve a more diverse engineering workforce. Although in place for only three years, MSUs College of Engineering Scholars Program that provides structure and support for students during their first two years is off to a good start. It is believed the result will be a graduation rate 10 to 20 percentage points higher for students in the program. At the University of Houstons Cullen College of Engineering, the Program for Mastery in Engineering Studies (PROMES, pronounced promise) has been providing freshmen and sophomores guidance for almost 40 years. Students in the program, about 160 to 200 new students each year, account for 20% to 25% of their engineering class andconsistently fare better than others in the initial gatekeeper engineering course in their major. That is the point where many students are lost, just as at many other schools. Both of these schools were recipients of the 2012 Impact Award from the National Society of Black Engineers and ExxonMobil. The honor comes with $10,000 for their programs. Making the Transition Program directors have found that frequent and close contact with these students is critical. Both programs are highly structured and have mandatory academic and living and learning elements such as community- and team-building. Both also rely heavily on outside funding particularly from corporate partners that have included BASF Corp., ConocoPhillips, DTE Energy Foundation, ExxonMobil, Marathon Oil, Motorola, Procter Gamble, Shell, 3M Foundation. Our sweet spot is helping students make a transition into a four-year university, explains Katherine S. Zerda, director of PROMES. Anyone can join PROMES, but we seek out minority students, women students, and first generation-in-college students because we know they are most at risk. Joining is entirely voluntary but once signed up, students must agree to certain attendance and other requirements, including collaborative learning workshops, other extra academic help, and a first-year curriculum that might be different from what they may have chosen. One required course thatZerda teaches is a multi-disciplinary introduction to engineering curriculum that prepares students not only for engineering classes but also covers academic best practices. This is a framework where we can be their family as well as their academic advisors, she says. We have our hands all over what they are doing. The students rely on us to write letters of recommendation and help them when they have a nervous breakdown. We are so much in their business that I think thats why this works so well, Zerda says. Theodore Caldwell, director of diversity programs at MSUs College of Engineering, agrees. Unless we are intrusively engaged with them, we wont know if they are dealing with something that will negatively impact their ability to do well until its too late, he says. High Risk, High Reward Those in MSUs Scholars program have about 13-15 hours with staff that they wouldnt normally spend with university personnel, he says. That time gives us a pulse on where they are academically and socially. We find they often suffer in silence, such as students who cant afford their books and are going to class without them, but not saying anything. (The diversity program makes sure they get what they need.) MSUs efforts started in 2007 with a six-week bridge program in the summer for entering freshman, but found it just wasnt enough. So two years later, the Scholars program was introduced. The program accepts 20 students whose records indicate they wouldnt normally make it in engineering, typically those who place well below the first calculus level in testing. We are taking the high-risk, high-reward route, says Caldwell. Because of the good results, he hopes to expand the program to 100 students if he can obtain additional funding. Like at the University of Houston, the students become their own community. They reside in the same residence, meet with staff regularly, participate in study groups, and learn about good general academic practices. The canyon, as Caldwell calls it, where MSU was losing one-third of its underrepresented minority students each year, was in being admitted to the engineering college. Students can declare engineering as a major but must apply to the engineering college for admission after completing six core courses and having an acceptable grade point average. Thats where we struggle. Once our students are in the engineering school, our graduation rate is no less than 82 percent over the last 15 years. Our need area is that first two to three years when they are working on getting admitted to the college and thats where we focus all of our energy, said Caldwell. Nancy Giges is an independent writer.We are taking the high-risk, high-reward route.Theodore Caldwell, director of diversity programs, Michigan State University College of Engineering

Monday, November 18, 2019

Multiple Layoffs Raise Sales Pros Game

Multiple Layoffs Raise Sales Pro's Game Multiple Layoffs Raise Sales Pro's Game Five layoffs in 15 years taught this SalesLadder member to ride the employment rollercoaster without losing his cool.When Bruce was laid off from his IT sales job last July, his first thought was, “Here I go again.”The layoff marked Bruce’s fifth one in the past 15 years.“I’ve been down this path too many times over the last several years,” said the Texas salesman, who asked that Ladders not use his full name. Bruce said the twists and turns have taught him realism about the travails sales professionals have endured as the economy â€" and entrepreneurial environments â€" have fluctuated.“I’ve worked for startups, which tend to be more volatile. Little companies tend to get sold, and then you are starting all over again,” Bruce said. He cited acquaintances who’ve also been affected by startup churn. “They are all good salespeople, yet they’ve been through the same things.”Bruce, whose previous job was with a company that sold automated document processing sys tems, knew he was looking at a three- to six-month job search.“At my age and in this economy, I couldn’t expect it to be any sooner,” the 50-something said.Methods for successTo tough it out in a rough job market, Bruce returned to the disciplined plan of attack he used in previous searches.“Being laid off can affect you emotionally, especially two or three months into the job search, when nothing is happening,” he said. “You might get depressed at that point, and want to stop looking. But I didn’t; I knew what to expect.”Bruce’s search took him five months. He chalks up his ultimate success to a big dose of networking along with a clear idea of the location and type of job that would suit him.First of all, he did not want to leave Texas and was pretty sure he wouldn’t have to. “Everyone needs a sales rep in Texas,” he said.“I’m a generalist in terms of sales,” he explained. “I like IT sales, but I stay away from commodity products. You can be selling the best mousetrap in the world, but if a company can put off buying that mousetrap because it’s not budgeted for the project until 2012, you won’t have a lot of success. I want to sell something they can buy today and have a great ROI in 12 months or less.”After his latest job ended, Bruce wasted no time submitting applications for jobs he saw on SalesLadder.“I started on Day One, using Ladders and other job sites,” he said. “But my primary focus was networking with people I knew. I wanted everyone I knew to know I was looking, and solicit their help.”His mission, he said, was twofold when communicating with recruiters: to forge relationships with them and help connect them to people in his own network.“When I spoke to headhunters and recruiters, I offered to help them. If we talked about a job that wasn’t a good fit for me, I would recommend someone I knew who would be a good candidate,” he said.Bruce’s networking paid off when a former boss, with whom he ha d an ongoing relationship, called him with a job offer.“He knew my strengths, my weaknesses and he trusts me,” Bruce said.But it wasn’t just the relationship that won him the job.“I had already done my homework on his employer, and when I first contacted him about my layoff, I was able to send him a sharp e-mail, talking about the value of the product they sell. When we did eventually talk, I was up to speed, and I understood the value of this product to customers. He remembered those things when a job eventually opened up. He might have called me anyway, but he knew I knew how to sell this product.”Thinking about his most successful networking strategies, Bruce stresses that making contact with potential employers by phone is important.“Phone calls are the best,” he said. “E-mails get the word out quickly, but you need to make more personal contact with people. Even if it’s just to say, ‘I’m going to send you my resume,’ they will look out for you. If I had a connection to the company, whether I had done business with them or worked for them, I would call.”In the current economic climate, Bruce said, there’s no shame in letting everyone you know that you’ve been laid off and are looking for a new job.“I want everyone to know by the end of the first day that I’m job hunting, and that I will help them, too. Send out e-mails, make phone calls and network with every peer, former manager and recruiter that you know.”

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Things You Shouldnt Say When Quitting Your Job

Things You Shouldn't Say When Quitting Your Job Things You Shouldn't Say When Quitting Your Job There are ways to quit your job gracefully and to say all the right things. There are also some things that you should never say when you’re moving on, even if you’re thinking them and you would love an opportunity to vent. It can be tempting to lash out at an employer after you have resigned, especially if you believe that you have been mistreated or underappreciated. However, be aware that your final words and actions can create a lasting impression that will work against you in the future. There isn’t any point in burning bridges. You’ll feel better momentarily because you vented, but it’s not going to help you long term. How Saying the Wrong Thing Can Hurt You Subsequent employers may formally or informally seek input from your past employers, whose comments about your performance may be negatively influenced by your parting shots.   Remember that reference checkers tend to side with management when there is a history of conflict with an employee. Contrary to what some people think, employers do more than verify job titles and dates of employment, and there is a lot within the realm of the employers rights as far as what  employers can ask when checking your background How to Quit With Class The best strategy is to keep all communication simple and as positive as possible. Any satisfaction derived from letting your employer know how you feel will likely be fleeting, and any negative effects can be long-lasting. Here are a few things you should avoid saying when you tender your resignation. The Top Things You Shouldnt Say When You Quit Your Job Your  Boss  Is  a  Jerk Any commentary linking your departure to your bosss character or disposition isn’t going to help. She may have been an ogre, but if word gets back to her that you said so, she will be more likely to disparage your attitude or performance when talking to prospective employers. Your Manager Isn’t Good Don’t say that you are leaving because your boss was incompetent even if it’s true. Your manager will be more likely to ascribe any failures to you and provide a negative appraisal of your work. Team Members Performance or Bad Attitude Don’t mention the performance or bad attitude of team members as a reason for your departure. When employers check on your background, they often seek input from staff as well as supervisors. If former subordinates or co-workers are insulted by your departing remarks, then they will be more likely to reference your shortcomings as a manager or teammate. You Were Underpaid There is no need to encourage management to perceive you as a disgruntled employee, since this characterization may be passed along to others who inquire about your tenure with the organization. The Company Is a Mess If you think the company is floundering or underachieving in some way, don’t say so. Your employer will be well aware of any problems within their organization. You have nothing to gain by conveying to management that they are stuck in a bad organization while you are moving on to better things. The Products or Services Provided Are Inferior Disloyal employees are normally frowned upon. Former supervisors will more likely assert that any limitations to your success were due to your deficiencies and not flaws in their products or services. Prospective employers will wonder if you are going to badmouth them when you move on. Won’t Be Giving Much (or Any) Notice An abrupt departure can be used to substantiate allegations that you werent a dedicated or professional employee. There are some circumstances where it’s acceptable to quit without notice, but in most cases, two weeks notice  is the norm. Unwilling to Train Your Replacement It’s a good idea to demonstrate that you are a committed employee right up until the end of your employment. Cooperation that eases the transition for your boss will be remembered and often rewarded with a positive recommendation.   Don’t Brag Don’t brag about your new job to fellow employees since this can generate resentment, particularly if you imply that you are better than them. Thank others for their support and mention how you will miss working with them.   Don’t Write It Down (or Email It Either) Dont put anything negative in writing. Keep your resignation letter positive so all involved remember you as a positive person. Here’s how to write a resignation letter that politely states that you are leaving.

Friday, November 15, 2019


Navigator Vision Requirements for a Military Pilot/Navigator Vision standards within the military are strict, however, within the past decade the inclusion of laser eye surgery has opened up the ranks to thousands of qualified applicants. However, the standard is not the same in each of the services except for correctable standards.  All services require eyesight to be correctable to 20/20.   For obvious reasons, the eyesight of the pilot must be sharp to get into the pilot training programs, but eyesight must also remain within correctable standards for a pilot to keep flying. Below are the following standards of the military pilots for vision: Air Force To enter flight training, a candidate must pass a Flight Class I Flying Physical. To become a pilot, that means the candidates vision can be no worse than 20/70 (correctable with glasses to 20/20) in each eye. To enter Navigator Training, the candidate can have vision no worse than 20/200 in each eye (also must be correctable to 20/20). After flight school, the standards relax a little. Pilots and Navigators who have already graduated flight training can remain fliers as long as their vision doesnt deteriorate beyond 20/400 in each eye (correctable to 20/20). Normal depth perception and color vision is required. Effective May 21, 2007, applicants who have had PRK and LASIK eye surgery were no longer automatically disqualified from flight training. You can not enter into the training pipeline and stay a pilot with these two laser eye treatments.   Navy and Marine Corps The Navy and the Marine Corps use the same standards as the Marines do not have their own medical department. They use the Navy for all medical procedures and standards. Navy Pilots must pass a Class I Flying Physical. To become a pilot in the Navy or Marine Corps, an applicants uncorrected vision can be no worse than 20/40 (correctable to 20/20) in each eye. Once flight training begins, vision can deteriorate to no worse than 20/100 (correctable to 20/20) in each eye. After flight training graduation, if the eyesight deteriorates worse than 20/200 (must be correctable to 20/20), the pilot will require a waiver for carrier operations. If the vision deteriorates past 20/400 (correctable to 20/20), the pilot is restricted to aircraft with dual controls. For Navigators (called NFOs or Navy Flight Officers), there is no vision requirement to enter flight training. However, the Navigators vision must be correctable to 20/20 and there are limits on refraction. Refraction must be less than or equal to plus or minus 8.00 sphere in any meridian and less than or equal to minus 3.00 cylinder. No more than 3.50 anisometropia. After flight training, to continue on flight status there is no limit on refraction for NFOs. No waivers are authorized for NFO applicants who exceed these refraction limits. Normal color vision is required for both NFOs and pilots. Normal depth perception is required for pilots and pilot applicants. The Navy allows for both LASIK and PRK laser eye surgery, both for current pilots and NFOs and for pilot/NFO applicants. Army (Rotary Wing) The Army has very few fixed-wing aircraft. The vast majority of Army pilots are helicopter pilots. Army Aviators must pass a Flight Class I Flying Physical. To enter Army Helicopter Flight Training, as either a commissioned officer or warrant officer, the applicant can have vision no worse than 20/50 (correctable to 20/20) in each eye. After flight training, pilots can remain on flight status as long as their vision does not deteriorate beyond 20/400 (correctable to 20/20). Normal depth perception and normal color vision are required. Like the other branches, it is possible to apply for Army Flight Training and/or remain on flying status with laser eye surgery,  if one is accepted into the Armys Aviator Laser Eye Surgery Study Program. LASIK Eye Surgery for Air Force Aviator Applicants After years of study, the Air Force has decided to change their long-standing policy which disqualified applicants who have had LASIK surgery from flight training and navigator training. The change became effective on May 21, 2007. Prior to the change, officers who had had the surgery could not become Air Force aviators. Under the old policy,  a  select few  pilots  and navigators who had already graduated from  flight training  could apply to have the surgery and become part of an on-going study group. The change also removes the altitude and high-performance aircraft restrictions for people who have had LASIK. The Air Force has found that there was little to no effect on LASIK-treated eyes when subjected to high G-forces of combat fighter aircraft, the wind blast experienced during aircraft ejection, or exposure to high altitude. Due to stresses placed on the eyes during flight combined with the active lifestyle of military members, the recommended refractive surgeries are  Wave Front  Guided Photorefractive  Keratectomy  or WFG-PRK, and  Wave Front  Guided Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis, know as WFG-LASIK, using the femtosecond laser. The eyes are more trauma resistant after surgery  using one of these methods compared to other forms of refractive surgeries. With all refractive surgeries, there is no guarantee of perfect sight after undergoing the procedures. Individuals must still meet the standards prescribed in  AFI 48-123  Medical  Examination  and  Standards, for entrance into the Air Force and aviation and special-duty positions.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Follow-Up Email to Send After a Job Rejection

Follow-Up Email to Send After a Job Rejection Follow-Up Email to Send After a Job Rejection Getting  turned down for a job you really wanted can be painful, especially if you have made it through multiple rounds of interviews and feel like you have been a leading candidate for the position. However, if you want to make a good impression on the employer who rejected you, consider sending a follow-up email that expresses your gratitude for the opportunity and mildly states your disappointment with the rejection. Believe it or not, many job applicants whove been rejected by a company go on to eventually land a job with the company that initially passed on them. In other cases, hiring managers who have been impressed by second- or third-place candidates often will network on their behalf with other employers or clients they know are seeking strong candidates for current job openings. Saying thank you for the consideration for the position, even when you didnt get hired, also attests to your professionalism. Here’s an example of a follow-up letter to send when  you have been turned down for a position.The letter thanks the hiring manager for his or her time, reiterates interest in the employer, and asks to be considered for other openings. Sample Email Follow-Up Letter After Job Rejection Subject Line: Your Name â€"  Sales Manager  PositionDear Mr./Ms. Last Name,It was a pleasure meeting with you about the sales manager position at ABC Enterprises. I really appreciate the time you spent speaking with me about the position, your company’s climate and history, and the wonderful opportunities available within your organization.While I am disappointed that my experience wasnt quite what you are looking for in this position, I am still very interested in your company. I would appreciate your further consideration should another position become available that you feel would be a better fit for my skills.Thank you for your time and encouragement.Best Regards,First Name Last Name Expand What Not to Say When You Didnt Get the Job A follow-up letter is not the place to air your grievances with the company or insult the representatives who interviewed you for not seeing how much of an asset you would have been to them. Remember to keep your tone positive and professional. If you feel that you cannot rein in your negative emotions, it’s better not to send a follow-up email at all. In this day and age, the job application process has never been so informal. Indeed, a significant number of employers dont bother to tell applicants that they have been turned down for a job, so its certainly not necessary to send a follow-up email unless you really want to make a good impression and be considered for jobs with that specific employer in the future. Follow-up letters are not the place to  inquire why you have been turned down for a job or to solicit feedback about what you could have done better in an interview. Unfortunately, you may have little idea why a certain employer rejected you. They may have already had a leading candidate in mind when they interviewed you and simply went through the motions when they interviewed other candidates. Or, they may have hired internally or brought someone on board whom an existing employee referred to them. You may simply not have had the experience and background they were looking for. The best way to determine why you didn’t make the cut is to look back at the job description the company posted and to honestly analyze how well your experiences lined up with the qualifications they sought. Try to remember the interview itself. Did you do a good job? Did you answer their questions in a forthright and knowledgeable manner? Did you maintain eye contact and interact with every member of the interviewing team? Did the interviewers seem friendly or cold? Asking these questions wont necessarily tell you why you didnt get the job, but it can help shed some light on areas you might improve upon in future interviews. Wrapping Up If you want other examples of effective follow-up letters, please review these tips on  how to follow up  with an employer and compose your letter in the best way possible. To improve your chances for getting the job next time, these  sample cover letters  and  sample job letters  may come in handy in helping you build your professional network and apply for new job opportunities.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Find Out If You Should Attend Modeling School

Find Out If You Should Attend Modeling School Find Out If You Should Attend Modeling School There’s more to modeling than just looking good. You must be personable, ambitious, and business savvy, of course, but you must also have a particular set of skills â€" skills that not even the top supermodels were born with. It’s no wonder that many aspiring models find themselves considering attending a modeling school. What better way to learn the tricks of the trade than by taking classes designed specifically for models-to-be, right? But are modeling schools worth it? Here are a few things you might be wondering: Are Modeling Schools Necessary to Become a Model? No. You don’t need to go to modeling school to become a model. While some models do find amazing opportunities, 99.9% of models get their careers started in other ways, like simply submitting a few snapshots to qualified agents and scouts. But that doesn’t mean modeling schools have no value whatsoever! If you go to a modeling school with the intention of becoming the next Coco Rocha, then yes, you might be setting yourself up for disappointment. But if you sign up because you want to have fun and meet new people who have the same interests, you’re in it for the right reasons. You’ll leave a more confident and inspired person, and the skills you learn will stick with you through all of your life’s challenges, whether you’re applying for a job or tackling one of the many obstacles that will come your way. If you do happen to become a model, then you’ll be all the more prepared to get your career started on the right foot.   Are Modeling Schools Expensive? They can be, but it depends on the type, of course, you’re interested in taking. Prices vary depending on the quality of the school and the location but generally speaking, you can expect to pay a few hundred dollars for an introductory weekend course, a thousand dollars for a week-long workshop, and several thousand dollars or more for a multi-week modeling program or “camp.” What Kinds of Things Do Aspiring Models Learn at Modeling School? A solid modeling school curriculum should give students a great overview of the industry and cover all the main aspects, including: The types of modeling - Runway, fashion, commercial, plus size, etc.Photoshoots - What to expect on the set, how to pose, how to work the cameraPosture and walking - How to achieve a confident walk on the runway and beyondMakeup application - Professional tips and tricks to enhance your own unique lookModel basics - The business side of the industry (contracts, pay, etc.), auditions/go-sees, model bags, portfolios, comp cardsHealth - Nutrition, fitness, and a positive body imageSafety - Self-defense, avoiding scams, and protecting yourself from dangerous situations How Do I Know if a Modeling School is Good or Bad? Do your homework and find out as much as possible about the modeling school you’re interested in, including how long they’ve been in business, who they’re owned by, what they teach, and who the instructors are. You can learn a lot by conducting a simple Google search or checking with the Better Business Bureau. It also wouldn’t hurt to take it a step further and talk to former students if possible.   If the modeling school is a “good” one, they will have been around for a long time, will have a good reputation within the community, and will be owned and operated by  real industry professionals (former models, agents, fashion photographers, etc.). They’ll be open and honest about every aspect of their business and won’t hesitate to give you testimonials, let you tour the school or let you check out their curriculum. Even if the school ticks all of these boxes, there are still a few things you need to be careful about and avoid the ones that:   Boast about models they’ve never trained or represented,Guarantee youll get modeling jobs upon graduation,Insist that you take classes before their agency will represent you,  Demand you pay extra for photo shoots with their photographer Everything should be included in your tuition, with the exception of photo prints (it’s perfectly normal for students to pay extra to purchase prints from the photographer). Go with your gut instinct â€" if something doesn’t sit well with you, no matter how insignificant it seems, find another school.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Learned helplessness is the psychological reason you are stuck in a bad situation

Learned helplessness is the psychological reason you are stuck in a bad situation Learned helplessness is the psychological reason you are stuck in a bad situation Have you ever felt powerless to the point that you pretty much give up and stop trying to change your circumstances?If you’ve ever convinced yourself that everything wrong with your life is doomed to repeat itself, or you will screw up again no matter what you do, you experienced learned helplessness.According to  research, when you learn over time that you have no control over your life or career, no matter what you do, you are likely to give up or pursue anything that may be even good for you.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!It’s the reason most people are stuck and unhappy in life.People who perceive events as uncontrollable can show a variety of symptoms that threaten their mental well-being. They experience stress, depression, disruption of emotions, and passivity in life. They are less likely to change unhealthy habits because they feel everything is out of their c ontrol.If you’ve consistently failed at losing weight through diets and exercise routines, you will probably begin to think that you will never lose weight, no matter what you do.This thinking pattern has a powerful psychological impact and sometimes continue to affect people even long after they have stopped experiencing initial negative behavior.Learned helplessness  is the concept based on the idea that human behavior is learned via associations and responses. It keeps people in bad careers, poor health, and terrible relationships despite how easy it may be to escape.“ Simply put: If something is reinforced/rewarded, we are more likely to repeat that behavior again. And likewise, if we are punished, we’re more likely to avoid that same behavior in the future,”  explains  Psychology Compass.Common symptoms of learned helplessness include low self-esteem, poor motivation, lack of effort, frustration, and procrastination.Learned helplessness is a mindset that was discovered by psychologists Martin Seligman and Steven F. Maier. They observed the behavior in both humans and animals.In their  study, they found that those who have experienced depression in the past are more likely to accept depression in their future and therefore less likely to attempt change. The same holds true for individuals in domestic violence situations. Those who have been unable to escape violent situations in their homes are much more likely to refuse help and accept future violence as inescapable. This is true even when presented with real options to avoid future violence.Many similar studies have also found that a person’s perception of control has everything to do with how likely they are to quit bad behaviour.The psychologists also found that even when you are told there is nothing you can do about any situation, you are more likely to not try or to try less diligently than those who are not given this advice (Maier Seligman, 1975).People who suffer from chronic health co nditions are more likely to develop a feeling of helplessness, due to their inability to take action which improves their condition.The researchers also noticed that the more you witness failure either in yourself or others, the less likely you are to attempt change, even if the situation changes dramatically.Perception was key in their findings.The phenomenon was reliably strong, reliably broad (that is, transferred from one situation to another), and reliably difficult to change once it set in. It was motivational (you no longer even try), emotional (you whimper and grow resigned), and cognitive (you generalize one experience to apply to a broader existence),”  writes  Maria Konnikova of The New Yorker.Learned helplessness is the reason many people feel like they can’t control the forces affecting their fate. Once they convinced themselves of this false perception, they stop taking action, they choose to stay in the same negative situation which then affects their happiness an d overall well-being.They continue to make choices (even small one) in life that hold them back. The crushing weight of helplessness makes them lose hope and stop living. Life, to someone with learned helplessness, becomes meaningless.If you feel like you aren’t in control of your destiny, you will give up and accept whatever situation you are in.The real truth is, your ability to choose can only be forgotten. It cannot be taken away. Greg McKeown could not have said that any better.In all situations in life, you must fight back your behavior, or learn to fail with pride and keep going. Failing is not an end in itself. It’s a detour.Remember, progress is not linear.Everything many seem harder if you fail, but there is always a way out. Success requires persistence, the ability to not give up in the face of failure.Overcoming learned helplessness comes down to differences in optimism vs. pessimism. “Pessimistic labels lead to passivity, whereas optimistic ones lead to attempts to change,” says Martin E.P. Seligman.“Pessimistic prophecies are self-fulfilling,” he writes.“Accordingly, in order to avoid acquiring learned helplessness, you want to change the way in which you view your successes and failures in life. Specifically, you should strive to frame your failures as external, specific, and unstable, and to frame your successes as internal, general, and stable,”  says  Effectiviology.Learning how to break bad habits is an important part of overcoming learned helplessness. Psychologists believe that you can change learned helplessness behavior by changing the way you look at the causes of events in your life.Take this  survey  adapted from Dr. Seligman’s book, Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life, to find out your perception about life.Key takeawayLearned helplessness is a dangerous state of mind for anyone. It can be detrimental to your mental health, emotional wellbeing, and self-care.But anyone can break an “Igive-up† habit, develop a more constructive explanatory style for interpreting any behavior, and experience the benefits of a more positive outlook in life. Learn to dispute the automatic helplessness thoughts by convincing yourself with contrary evidence.“While you can’t control your experiences, you can control your explanations, Martin E.P. Seligman argues.Learned optimism can help avoid stress, build better habits, boost your immune system, and eventually make you happier.This article first appeared on Medium.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Pitfall of Should I Include References on Resume

The Pitfall of Should I Include References on Resume Choosing a write writer is an investment in your career that may exponentially boost your probability for a telephone interview by turning your previous experiences into your special story. Even if all your references are contented to be on your list, it is a great concept to supply a heads-up that someone might be reaching out to ask about you. Always consider the reader requirements. With your function in sales, everything comes down to your effect on the main point. A couple of lines are sufficient. The formatting option you opt for will be contingent on the requirements of your intended employer and your very own personal preference, but generally, the chronological option will do the job well if you're able to present an uninterrupted work history with a steady progression of growing responsibility in your area or area. Be careful to construct the lines. The Advantages of Should I Include References on Resume Try ou t a web-based search, and on occasion better ask friends in rather fantastic jobs if you're ready to use their resume within an idea template. In a resume the choice of a layout is critical. The following resume template was created utilizing the college resume template you could use as well at no cost and create the ideal one-page resume template which will dazzle recruiters and will improve your odds of getting examples dream job! Furthermore, there are 3 significant sorts of resume templates. A well written and compelling selection criteria document will not just let you distinguish yourself from your peers, but nevertheless, it will boost your opportunities to highlight specific projects or tasks that will offer you an advantage in a very competitive position. A resume objective is the initial thing an organization looks at to define airline abilities and personality. Remember there are circumstances as well when you may want to submit a character or private reference (rat her than an expert reference) who might be better able to talk to your abilities to do the job which you're applying to. Make sure the last version of your resume highlights your special abilities and abilities. It shouldn't be a paragraph. Your document should start out with a short but robust summary statement. Formatting your resume references is a comparatively straightforward job. Use these column headings. Understanding Should I Include References on Resume Employers will focus their attention on the individual's professional qualifications and have a chance to review their work history and any educational achievements they might list, or any training they have received over recent years. By listing a few pursuits or volunteer organizations with which you're involved outside of work, you can demonstrate not only that you're an interesting and well-rounded individual, but in addition that you're ready to juggle a wide-range of activities in your everyday life, even ou tside the workplace. Since you might not have plenty of experience, it's important to include information that's pertinent to your intended job like coursework, projects, extracurricular activities, or volunteer work. Find out how to put the most suitable work skills can your resume and begin getting callbacks. Finding Should I Include References on Resume on the Web So long as you use one level the 3 standard file formats, you should be OK. Writing tips The former instance is only an illustration of the way in which a STAR response is approached. Learn a fundamental format write is easy and proven to help you make a successful resume template. The file format of your resume isn't a crucial detail. If you're uncertain about whether to include hobbies, you need to consider these aspects. A sales resume sample may also supply you with specific tips on how your resume should look. If you are in need of a quick kick-start on developing a template first, have a look at a resu me builder before selecting a professional. Resume templates are typically made by pros. When used by employers, references are sometimes a vital part of the interview approach. You could peruse through some papers to acquire a better picture. It's possible to go through a few papers to learn more. You might go through a number of the resume papers to comprehend the grade of the papers. The Good, the Bad and Should I Include References on Resume When you review the work description, you find that resume are looking for a person who is an authority in Google AdWords. Resumes are intended to show you have what it requires to do exceptional work in a particular position. Find our what you have to put on your resume and what recruiters are seeking. Job recruiters would rather have an expert summary, which is a short summary of your relevant abilities, experience, and strengths. All you need to do is to show to the prospective employer you have the skills he is searching for in an administrative assistant. Naturally, the resume objective must be the job you would like to take. Keep in contact with your job references. Pick the best references for the particular job under consideration. The Importance of Should I Include References on Resume If you know in advance your reference may be reached by a particular business, you can share your resume and the work description with your references. If it isn't clear from your resume, you could also desire to include info about your relationship with the reference. Job references should not ever be included on a resume. Be certain to include whole contact information for every one of your references. To ascertain how many skills you should include, consider your qualifications in terms of potential subheadings. The experience section needs to be more than only a list of typical duties. The qualifications section should choose the kind of a quick airline list. It may be one of the shorter sections, but it is very important.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Basics of Plural of Curriculum Vitae

The Basics of Plural of Curriculum Vitae Generally, positions at least 10 years old won't be included, or if they're included, omit dates of employment and specifics of the position and just include them in a bullet-point list. Very best ofclean and professional Resume Templates are excellent for practically any chance and help you to get your fantasy job. Making the effort to concentrate on a resume is actually quite worthwhile work. Job Resume permits you to make your own personal brand logo in only a few minutes. Get the Scoop on Plural of Curriculum Vitae Before You're Too Late In reality, a writer who don't understand the elementary concepts of grammar have zero credibility. Be aware that examples 2 and 3 aren't especially cogent since they are referring to a single life. By using so, you can make certain that your children master skills before continuing to more elaborate difficulties. Further English resources can be found the TES site. Use the register to make ce rtain you may have integrated almost all suitable info within your continue. In case you require any more information, please don't be afraid to contact me. Begin by creating the subsequent section headers and fill in the suitable information, 1 section at one time. Ask students in case the sentences make sense. It represents that there's more than 1 noun. To form the plural, you want to correct the plural in every one of both of these component nouns. A number of the rarer irregular plurals are often misused, resulting in the creation of variant forms, which often encounter resistance in the beginning but eventually make it in the language. Choosing Plural of Curriculum Vitae Is Simple You should think about utilizing a couple more bullet points to raise the impact to the employer. With enough instruction and practice, however, it can develop into a skill they use easily. Without exception, it has to be absolutely error-free. You've got native languages that could be verified You can ask for verification for native languages by completing a vitad application that takes only a couple minutes. The Battle Over Plural of Curriculum Vitae and How to Win It Lots of people resist the spelling octopuses, but it's perfectly acceptable. As is true with several nouns borrowed directly from Latin, there's often some confusion regarding the right way to form its plural. The following are a few irregular plurals. Let's start with a fast overview of resumes, as they are more familiar to the majority of American writers than CVs. The good thing is that 3,000 words in one day is wholly doable. Sounding out words is a significant skill which will help your children understand more regarding the information that they encounter. The key word ought to be pluralized. Avoid employing precisely the same words repeatedly. Introducing Plural of Curriculum Vitae Use this site if you'd like to create practice worksheets for your children. Even if such a math i sn't easy for your children, practice will enhance their abilities. Your son or daughter could say I see one particular banana. Use this completely free printable handwriting paper to be sure that your kids have penmanship they are proud of. Top Plural of Curriculum Vitae Choices If it has to do with CV, it has to be professional. For instance, it can show you just how to lay out your CV. You might believe that a 1 page CV is just not long enough to find justice to you. A student CV or a CV for someone who is lite' on expertise could possibly be an immense challenge. The Key to Successful Plural of Curriculum Vitae The third grade social studies curriculum includes numerous lessons, together with worksheets and quizzes, organized into various chapters. This language hasn't been spoken beyond the church and the academy for at least a thousand decades. It has viae been spoken outside the church and the academy for more than a thousand years. All About Plural of Curriculum Vitae The size and sort of bullets should also be taken into consideration. Thus one can benefit from a resume format. An interesting, engaging format can earn a huge difference in a quick perusal. You have tons of options when creating a new worksheet. Read my essay writing service reviews and my guide to selecting the ideal service for everything you will need to understand about how to select the best writing businesses. Always make sure to have a look at the review my essay section of any writing service website you're contemplating using. Employing a writing service is the perfect means to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to make sure the essays you write are hitting all the critical points and are at the appropriate depth needed for your academic grade. Below you'll find in depth information on the publishing program and instructions about how to submit a book proposal.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The 5-Minute Rule for Microsoft Resume

The 5-Minute Rule for Microsoft Resume The Number One Question You Must Ask for Microsoft Resume All you have to do is add your details. Preferably, utilize the email address your ISP has supplied you. All the templates include a design created keeping all the factors in mind a recruiter will be searching for in a candidate's resume. For those who haven't held work previously or you're just out of college, then don't attempt to compose false details. As soon as you spot a job that you like, go right to the work opening on LinkedIn to find out more regarding the chance and apply. Also make certain that you tailor the document to the job you're applying for. First you have to discover the job which you like and then set about portraying yourself in an appealing way in order for the employer will not have any choice but they give you the very best job! The Child Id Card Template Microsoft may also be structured in the way which best presents your abilities and experience. Elements is fantastic for the indecisive applicant. On the flip side, Office utilizes that might be closely related to the work you're seeking needs to be listed first in the abilities or strengths section of your resume. There are an infinite number of advantages of using Microsoft work resume templates that encourage every person to util ize it. There are lots of free creative resume templates you are able to use, allowing you to focus your energy on everything else you should do. Be very cautious when employing all kinds of image, unless you're an expert designer. There are lots of beautiful resume templates out there, but nevertheless, it can be simple to feel as a lot of the greatest cost a ridiculous quantity of money, require special design programs in order to edit, or both. The Rise of Microsoft Resume Departments or employees who needs to write a lot of letters on regular basis save much time by making use of the letterhead because in the event that you compose the inside address, it requires two to three minutes and in the event you've got to write hundred letters, you can conserve a couple hours by utilizing the official letterhead. It is possible to finish a resume from scratch, obviously. There are several qualified applicants out there, and a very good presentation is critical so as to stick out f rom the crowd. Employing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for numerous reasons. Fortunately, there are various publishers around who've created incredible resume templates for fast editing and formatting in Word. All you need to do is simply edit the document to include your private details. If you've got older resume templates from prior versions of Word, you may use them in recent versions also. Modifying a Microsoft Word resume template is straightforward and makes the work search process a whole lot simpler. If you've got an earlier version of Word, you merely want to visit FILE and New and you'll have the ability to hunt for resume or hunt for templates. Microsoft Word resume templates are the most often used tool in the work hunting. It comes with a selection of templates designed for various types of resumes, but if you're not satisfied with the default selection of resume templates, you can download others in Word. What Does Microsoft Resume Mean? If you aim to make a new CV or maybe to refresh an existing one, have a look at the Fancy template. The upcoming free resume template was created in the shape of a brochure. Each template offers structure, examples and tips so you don't need to start from scratch when creating your resume. The CV template is not just simple to edit, but nonetheless, it also comes in two color variations and can be utilized in both lands cape and portrait orientation. Template give here are the very best support to generate the resume based on the profile of the candidate. Therefore, it's strongly advised to select an easy, short and to-the-point resume template in 2019. The template is not hard to customize and edit along with print-ready. Each template is customizable to your requirements. To receive any job your resume plays an incredibly important role and it has to be carefully designed. Getting the most of a resource that won't only help save you time, but is demonstrated to elevate your odds of scoring a work simply is logical. There's an opinion that the one thing that a CV should contain is excellent content. Building your resume with an internet templatecan greatly enhance your odds of getting your dream job by providing you with an effective, concise resume which appeals right to the position or business you're applying to. A resume builder can help you rectify any errors and supply you with a working vision of the resume alth ough you edit. Resume writing isn't a simple undertaking and it also essential that the resume must be in precise fashion and impressive. Be certain to never use the stock template language, particularly for important sections of a resume like the objective statement. A resume template will provide the essential information that is necessary for a resume, as well as the format and the way to present your working details in a logical and appealing way. The Microsoft Resume Chronicles Employing a template can lessen the quantity of time you need to spend formatting your document, which permits you to concentrate on adding content and polishing your resume. Accessing templates for resumes there can be achieved using the convenient search engines on the website. The template includes two resume pages and a cover letter template and can readily be edited and customized with your selection of fonts and colours. Along with its basic appearance, it gives you the sections you should include with subtle prompts to help.