Tuesday, December 24, 2019

take that objective off your resume

take that objective off your resume take that objective off your resume Last week, when writing about things to leave off of your resume, I mentioned objective statements, which I believe dont belong on a resume. Some commenters wanted to know why.Ive never seen an objective that made me more interested in hiring a candidate, and Ive seen plenty that actually hurt a candidates chances. At best theyre neutral, so why risk it?Objectives usually fall in one of three categories1. Objectives that are all about what you want. For example A position that allows me to develop my interest in international relations. At some point Im going to care about what the candidate wants, but at this initial begehung stage, the process is about what the company wants.2. Objectives that arent sufficiently tailored to the position, or even have nothing to do with it. For example Writing a job in finance, when youre applying for a job in health care. This objective makes it look like youre simply blasting your resume around without enough focusand that you have no attention to detail.3. Objectives that just dont add anything compelling (and therefore just waste space). For example A job where I can apply my skill set, at a company with potential for growth. Its pretty much assumed that youre looking for that.Heres what most hiring managers want from a resume A concise, easily scanned list of what youve accomplished, organized chronologically by position, plus any particularly notable skills. Thats it. Dont use the resume to talk about what youre looking for, or for your own assessment of your strengths. Present factual information about what youve done.There will be time to talk about what youre looking for, eventuallybut first the hiring manager needs to figure out if shes interested or not.I believe objectives at best add nothing and take up space, and at worst harm your chances. But I know some people are firmly convinced they should use themso if you think youve got an objective worth including, tell us why in the comments.

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