Sunday, December 29, 2019

How I failed my way to success

How I failed my way to successHow I failed my way to successOne of my favorite verses in a song comes from Exhale by the great Whitney Houston. It says For every win. Someone must fail.I love those words because they remain true in anything that we do in ur daily lives, especially when it comes to things like work, orsmall business.Today, I will take you through my journey to success and show you that being the Someone that fails isnt a bad thing.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraDoor to door life insurance Lesson 1Getting my life and health insurance license welches a great accomplishment for me it took two weeks of self-study and 30 minutes for me to complete the state-mandated test.Once I became licensed my first act welches to establish myself with a few insurance companies and to go work with a larger insurance agency such as an Independent Marketing Organization (IMO).These are sizeable independent insurance agencies that would train and assist you in the field of insurance sales if you signed up under them as an independent agent.These companies wanted good agents because they get a piece of what you produce.It looks like thisHow The Insurance Pie WorksHierarchyCommission %Override on My Sale%IMO (Independent Marketing Organization)115%5%MGA (Managing General Agent)110%10%GA (General Agent)100%20%Agent80%N/ABased on the above layout, when I sold a $100.00 insurance policy, I received $80.00 of it, and the remaining $20.00 flowed upstream, which was totenstill a great deal.And dont let the 5% override of the IMO fool you, fruchtwein of them can have upwards of 30+ Thousand agents.The only issue for me is that I was doing this process door to door. When I started 11 years ago, insurance companies were sending out Mailers to ask customers if they wanted to purchase life insurance.If they sent the mailer back, it would come to myself or other agents as l eads we would then take those mailers to the customers home and try to make the sale.The amount of time away from home was insane, and you never knew who or what was going to be on the other side of the door you are knocking on.It also didnt matter if it was cold, hot, or raining, you had to make the sale, and after only about two months of this, I decided there had to be a better way.I failed as a Door to Door life insurance salesman. However, I decided I wanted to offer life insurance over the phone.Lessons I learned from door to door salesAlways be preparedPersistency pays offWork harder to get better resultsHave a positive attitude maintain a positive attitudeThe senior health market Lesson 2At the time, there was only one life insurance company that I can remember by the name of Baltimore Life that offered life insurance over the phone.It was a one of a kind product some people didnt trust it, I knew surviving with just one insurance product probably would be hard, so I decid ed to go into the Medicare Advantage space.Medicare Advantage is the Senior Health Space, and if you thought health insurance was complicated, then you probably would lose your mind with the Senior Products.Medicare Advantage was still a product where you needed to meet with people in person, so while I was onto something with selling over the phone, I still had to get into the field and work.I found out very fast that when it comes to the Senior Market, beingvery youngdoesnt work for you it just hurts because the Seniors didnt trust that I knew what I was talking about when it came to their health plan.I found myself doing more assuring and follow-ups than I did making the Sale, and some of behauptung products had $0.00 premium.Can you imagine being so bad at selling something that you cant even give it away?At this point, I concluded, what if I sold Health Insurance, to people my age, over the phone?I failed in the Senior Health Market, but I figured the Regular Health Market woul d be greatLessons I learned from the senior health marketTiming is everything, what doesnt work now, can work laterJust because something is affordable doesnt mean you can sell itBuild trust and rapport fast and earlyExcellent product knowledge can make up for being a poor salesmanThe Affordable Care Act Lesson 3I had a complete and total setup. I had two monitors, fast internet, and four phone lines for making and receiving phone calls.I knew how health insurance worked, and It was easy for me to build rapport with people my age or younger.Unlike the life insurance space, the health insurance space had already gone through the phase of selling over the phone, so several companies offered the product.I even had customers doing a screen share with me to complete the application process. This was right up my alley, the life insurance space was still trying to figure out over the phone, but the health insurance market was booming.Then comes theAffordable Care Act,most often known as O bama Care.As an Individual, I was excited about the idea of No Lifetime Maximums and No Declining People due to health issues.As an Agent, I was mortified because the structure on how health insurance companies could payout commissions would change.Around that time, I had enough life insurance companies offering products over the phone that I was able to start transitioning to life insurance.Once the law was enacted, I started to get the letters from health insurance companies about the changes in my commission structure and some companies even closed down.Since I expected this to happen, I had gotten the health insurance side of my business down to about 40% of my total book of business and immediately switched 100% to life insurance.Lessons I learned from the Affordable Care ActDont limit yourself to one stream of incomeGood times also come to an endYou should physically smile when you talk to people on the phone.Trusting my instincts was ok.I have a telesales career Lesson 4I ma de it Or did I?Here I was, selling life insurance over the phone Like I had always dreamt, and I was selling multiple products.I had Fully underwritten term life for the young and super healthy, no-exam life insurance for people who didnt want to take exams, and final expense life insurance for people over the age of 50.If you needed life insurance, I could sell it to you over the phone, no matter your age orhealth conditions.The process had even caught up to the point where I could do an e-application through email with life insurance.I remember it clear as day the words of a general agent You will never be able to sell life insurance over the phone.But here I was, deep in my career, making anywhere between $60,000 to $100,000 per year, I had no boss (except for my husband), and no one could stop me.It didnt matter that I had to work 14 hours a day to meet my personal sales goals, nor did it matter that I couldnt spend as much time with my family, Right?While I was very grateful fo r the income that being a Life Insurance agent gave me, I didnt like the lifestyle one bit.I lived for the weekend like everyone else the only difference is that I couldnt separate my work life from my personal life.I found myself answering emails when I should be relaxing, or trying to send in an underwriting requirement so that I can get a policy out of underwriting faster.I realized I was in a relationship with my husband and with my business and my husband wasnt having any of it.I finally started to normalize my work schedule and take responsibility for not working outside of work hours.Then, out of nowhere, my gut starts feeling something, some sort of shift.More and more customers are asking if I can email the quote, they are asking if there is anywhere online, they can learn about life insurance.Customers no longer want to talk to me much, and most of them felt like they knew more about life insurance than I did.It was great that customers were becoming more educated about th e insurance they were buying, and in my mind, it felt like everyone wanted to do this process without an agent.There was a company that I always wanted to be like by the name of EHealth Insurance they did everything in the Health Space, that I wanted to do for the Life Insurance Industry.Everything was online customers could learn about a product and purchase it from their site without any hassle from an agent.However, if they needed an agent, they were still there to assist.After doing some research, I found out that websites can actually make money and my companySimply Insurancewas born.I failed at having a career as a life insurance agent, but I saw the future of insurance The Online Market.Lessons I learned from my telesales careerHow to manage a home based businessHow to love my spouse and my business equallySelling a product to someone educated about it is much harderTo enjoy the nos, each one brought me closer to a yes.Each of these failures could have made me want to stop an d get a 9 to 5 job and say to hell with trying to be a success.But, I had a voice in me that always said, dont stop, keep going, follow your gut.Just take a look at all the things the four failures taught me from aboveAlways be preparedPersistency pays offWork harder to get better resultsHave a positive attitude maintain a positive attitudeTiming is everything, what doesnt work now, can work laterJust because something is affordable doesnt mean you can sell itBuild trust and rapport fast and earlyExcellent product knowledge can make up for being a poor salesmanDont limit yourself to one stream of incomeGood times also come to an endYou should physically smile when you talk to people on the phone.It was ok to trust my instinctsHow to manage a home based businessHow to love my spouse and my business equallySelling a product to someone educated about it is much harderTo enjoy the nos, each one brought me closer to a yes.Success wont always look how you want itIn 2017 I created Simply Insurance, the goal was to be an online market place where customers could purchase life insurance online, all without an agent.I had no clue how to make money online, but there was a ton of education on it. I invested in education to become great at SEO and Content marketing. I had to know how everything worked.I decided I didnt want to share in the commission of an insurance sale, so I went the affiliate route with my website.This assured that I would get paid per lead or application submission once a customer decided to get covered.I took all of the lessons I had learned from my failures and put them into my online business.My family acknowledged that I would need to spend more time, in the beginning, to get things running.And guess whatAfter just two years, Simply Insurance is a six-figure online business.We went from selling only life insurance to offering Pet Insurance, Homeowners, Renters, Concealed Carry, Accidental Death, Disability Insurance.Simply Insurance was founded i n 2017, but it was started in 2008, so while I did build a successful blog in under two years, it took me nine years to get there.I also just co-founded a business by the name ofCredit Knocks, with a few good friends and our goal is to educate the average person on how to grow and rebuild their credit.So remember, it isnt about the failure its about the lessons learned.This article originally appeared on Your Money Geek.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

take that objective off your resume

take that objective off your resume take that objective off your resume Last week, when writing about things to leave off of your resume, I mentioned objective statements, which I believe dont belong on a resume. Some commenters wanted to know why.Ive never seen an objective that made me more interested in hiring a candidate, and Ive seen plenty that actually hurt a candidates chances. At best theyre neutral, so why risk it?Objectives usually fall in one of three categories1. Objectives that are all about what you want. For example A position that allows me to develop my interest in international relations. At some point Im going to care about what the candidate wants, but at this initial begehung stage, the process is about what the company wants.2. Objectives that arent sufficiently tailored to the position, or even have nothing to do with it. For example Writing a job in finance, when youre applying for a job in health care. This objective makes it look like youre simply blasting your resume around without enough focusand that you have no attention to detail.3. Objectives that just dont add anything compelling (and therefore just waste space). For example A job where I can apply my skill set, at a company with potential for growth. Its pretty much assumed that youre looking for that.Heres what most hiring managers want from a resume A concise, easily scanned list of what youve accomplished, organized chronologically by position, plus any particularly notable skills. Thats it. Dont use the resume to talk about what youre looking for, or for your own assessment of your strengths. Present factual information about what youve done.There will be time to talk about what youre looking for, eventuallybut first the hiring manager needs to figure out if shes interested or not.I believe objectives at best add nothing and take up space, and at worst harm your chances. But I know some people are firmly convinced they should use themso if you think youve got an objective worth including, tell us why in the comments.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How to retain more of every book you read and a solution for loneliness [best reads]

How to retain more of every book you read and a solution for loneliness best readsHow to retain more of every book you read and a solution for loneliness best readsEvery week, I come across insightful posts about behavior change that affect health, wealth, and productivity.At the end of the week (on Fridays), I share ten of the best posts at the intersection of personal development, psychology, technology, and productivity with my Postanly Weekly subscribers.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreI handpicked some of the best long reads across the web that are almost as good as reading a book. Shorter than a book but equally valuable.Its a healthy mix of ideas on how to work better, make smarter decisions, and everything you need to build a better life and career.Sign up zu siche to get future issues. Join over 38,000 people on a mission to build a better life.Issue 230How to Use Space d Repetition to Retain More of Every Book You Read MediumReading offers the freedom to roam the expanse of space, time, history, and offer a deeper view of ideas, concepts, emotions, and a whole body of knowledge. Except we dont remember a lot of what we read after a few months or years.A Solution for Loneliness Scientific AmericanLoneliness is rampant, and its killing us?- ?literally. Anywhere from one quarter to one half of Americans feel lonely a lot of the time, which puts them at risk for developing a range of physical and mental illnesses, including heart diseaseCan We Live Longer But Stay Younger? NewYorkerAging, like bankruptcy in Hemingways description, happens two ways, slowly and then all at once. The slow way is the familiar one decades pass with little sense of internal change, middle age arrives with only a slight slowing down4 Ways to Quiet Imposter Syndrome And Start Believing in Yourself TEDIdeasMany of us have an inner voice telling us we lucked into what we hav e or were a fraud. Thats normal the problem is when we believe it. Heres how to start recognizing your own worth, from coach and consultant Tania Katan.How Progress Compounds And Why It Matters FSMost people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years. Its unclear exactly who first made that statement, when they said it, or how it was phrased.Reward Yourself with Negative Reinforcement ZapierBlogRecently, many of us at Zapier were talking about motivating yourself through reinforcements and how finding the right reinforcements is really hard. It reminded me of a concept from operant conditioning.Can Decluttering Really Make You Happier? BBCFutureTidying can transform your life. This is the beguiling promise from Japanese decluttering evangelist Marie Kondo. Around 11 million people have bought her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying UpYou Procrastinate Because Of Emotions, Not Laziness. Regulate Them To Stop Procrastinatin g Cognitive TodayThere are two trains of thought?- ?One leads to procrastination and one leads to motivation. And somewhere in between, there is a junction called anxiety. Lets first look at the procrastination train of thought (at least thats going somewhereFeeling Stuck at Work? Heres How to Keep Moving Forward ScottYoungIn the last lesson, I showed why a lot of plans people make to avoid their work are misguided. Either the schemes dont work at all (because they defy basic economic logic) or they result in escaping work only to leave a vacuum with nothingThe Dangers of Treating Ideas From Finance as Generalised Self Help CommonPlaceI thought it would be a little prudent?- ?given that Ive been writing about time allocation as capital allocation recently?- ?to recap the dangers of reading too much into ideas drawn from the field of finance. What do I mean by this?Until Next Week,Thomas, Curator at Postaly WeeklyThis article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuros cience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Glassdoor Wants You to Find The Job That Fits Your Life

Glassdoor Wants You to Find The Job That Fits Your LifeGlassdoor Wants You to Find The Job That Fits Your Life 11 Universities With Great Work-Life Balance Hiring Now People come to Glassdoor to prepare for the big interview, to get paid fairly, to discover amazing companies, to apply with the touch of a button to their next big opportunity. While there are hundreds of job sites out there, Glassdoor is all about empowering you with the information, insights, and jobs so you can make the decision thats best for you.Whether you want to work with people that inspire you or you want to have more time for family or you simply want to get paid what you deserve, Glassdoor has everything you need to find a job that fits your life.Thats right its not just a job, its your life.With you in mind, Glassdoor is unveiling television and radio advertising on a national scale for the first time to augment our oth er marketing and word of mouth initiatives. Our in-house design team partnered with Deutsch to produce creative that encompasses what we believe in as a company and the unique promise that only Glassdoor can deliver on. You may see the ad on television, hear it on the radio or even catch it online. Wherever you spot us, tell us what you think on Facebook , Twitter or LinkedIn Glassdoor.Meanwhile, the job that fits your life is out there. Use Glassdoor to find it.To search open jobs on Glassdoor, visit Glassdoor jobs . To learn more about posting employer jobs on Glassdoor, visit Glassdoor for Employers .

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Good, the Bad and Waitress Resume

The Good, the Bad and Waitress Resume The wine steward has to have a superior understanding of wines and wine culture. Some could insist on a specific meal without a specific ingredient. In order to supply the very best patron experience, waiters must verstndigung im strafverfahren with a request for food to return to the kitchen with a beneficial and apologetic attitude. A waiter will likewise be required to try to remember a variety of details about the food and beverage lists. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Waitress Resume The size and the kind of the font needs to be appropriate. Resume schablones are ideal for folks who dont possess the art of producing impressive resumes. Make an all-inclusive group of the info that you will want to include, and put it to use as a way to compile your CV. Theres no need to compose your resume in two or more pages. If your resume is only one page its still very much appreciated. Using VisualCVas CV editor its ve ry simple to change from 1 template to another, so you may easily use the best template for the job every time you apply. Resumes are like the very first field of defense of job seekers. Job descriptions are very vital for all organizations especially with the intention of advertising to acquire suitable candidates for certain job positions. Job descriptions for the identical position will read differently depending on the type of job that youre searching for now. For you to do so, youve got to be familiar with qualifications of the job which youre applying for. Always carry a pad and pen on you, even in case you memorize the orders rather than writing them down. If youre writing a resume for a particular job, attempt to highlight any responsibilities or skills that are related to the position that youre seeking. Ensure you mention skills which may be beneficial in the job for which youre presently applying. Regardless, the position is extremely stressful, perhaps among the most stressful in the area of hospitality. The very first important section of your resume is known as the Career Objective. If youve got extensive computer skills, dont forget to create a distinct category named Technical Expertise. You may wish to lead with a succinct summary of the job. New Questions About Waitress Resume The problem of waitress tips may be touchy though and a subject that lots of individuals are bemused by. Utilize your waitress resume to highlight your strong suits, whatever you can do in order to demonstrate your strengths is likely to help you land work. You will need to deal with rude clients, screaming kids and individuals who dont tip. Everyone is able to write resumes, but not everybody can write superior ones. Things You Wont Like About Waitress Resume and Things You Will As a result, if youre a bartender browsing to have a better job, a Bartender Blank Resume Template can help you a nice thing. If youre looking to employ waiters for your h otel, the below templates can supply you with an exhaustive guideline about what to anticipate from the work role you offer. The templates attached here are so simple to work on and youll never again will need to employ a specialist or an expert to list the waiter job roles for you. The job of a waiter or waitress contains a wide array of tasks and duties that vary based on the sort of employer. Being he means so much more than serving food. Being he is not an easy job. Then youve got what it requires to be a wonderful waiter or waitress. Ok, I Think I Understand Waitress Resume, Now Tell Me About Waitress Resume Waitress works isnt only associated right to the public but also with different staffs in the restaurant. Waiters play one of the most critical roles in running a thriving restaurant. To be a prosperous Waiter or Waitress, you ought to be polite with our clients and make certain they enjoy their meals. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Waitress Resume Then yo uve got to earn a thorough description of every part of your work. Writing a resume can be a really trying experience. Possessing a superb nanny job description may be a good way to entice excellent candidates, so go at your own pace in writing one. After working there for a couple decades, you might transition into a managerial function. While the pay is really low, way beneath the minimum wage, tips and bonuses can cause a pretty good pay. Its also ideal for a candidate trying to find a management status in the restaurant market. Certain jobs have the requirement to find the help of candidates with a specific educational qualification. The consistent element for good restaurant employees is their capacity to supply friendly, courteous and effective service to customers.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Benefits of Writing a First Resume High School

The Benefits of Writing a First Resume High School Writing a First Resume High School - Overview While you might be trying hard to think of pertinent work experience, Ryan states that you have mora than you understand. For instance, if youre asking for a job as an administrative assistant, you dont will need to discuss the way your position for a babysitter helped improve your childcare skills, but you might share the way the experience helped you cultivate time management abilities and the capacity to juggle a number of tasks simultaneously. Make a list of all of the situations youve done that demonstrate your abilities and your passions. Use the following suggestions to make your resume really stick out. Keep reading to learn our top 3 strategies for writing a winning high school resume. Continue reading to learn more, and dont neglect to look at our sample high school resume for inspiration Writing a First Resume High School Explained Especially for a first resume, emplo ying a template is an excellent idea. If you are able to convey the skills youve got and how they are going to apply to the job youre applying for, employers will be more inclined to realize your value. Creating your first resume doesnt have to be a struggle. Utilizing a student resume template can help you save you time and effort and offer you ideas on which sections to include and the way to complete them so as to pull in the perfect employers. The Debate Over Writing a First Resume High School When searching for employment as a high school student, it might help let employers know you will be a dependable, positive accession to their company. There are various kinds of resumes with corresponding purposes. Similar to any other aspiring applicants, a thorough and well-done resumes are able to help you land work, especially whenever youre a high school student with zero work experience. Although you might have minimal work experience for a high-school student, you may use your resume to highlight activities and unique skills that show your value to a prospective employer or college interviewer. In its core, a resume is quite easy, it is a one-page document showcasing you. If you wish to turn into a high school principal, you can begin acquiring the qualification and skills you need now to create the leap when youre ready. Conveying your distinctive teaching qualities and accomplishments to a possible high school is indispensable to landing a work interview. Its possible for you to set your education section before or following your experience section. If youre a seasoned professional, place your professional work history section prior to your education. As youre writing a resume summary statement, dont use wording that mirrors the direction you have presented experiences in different regions of your resume. Writing a resume summary statement could be the most significant facet of getting your resume prepared to submit to possible employers.